The Final Judgment

The ancient Egyptians believe in life after death, so they made the judgment to know if the deceased innocent or guilty.
Now we can see the deceased is standing in front of 14 judges who represent the 14 cantons of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, 7 of them have key of life but the others haven’t it.

He told them that he is an innocent and he didn’t make any mistake in his life, 7 of them believed him and gave him the key of life but the others refused, so there is equality here 7 against 7.

So the judges ordered God Anubis (the god of mummification & embalming city) to take off the heart of the deceased to weight his heart in the balance. We can see on the right hand of the balance the feather of justice of Goddess Maat (Goddess of justice) but on the left hand of the balance we can see the heart of the deceased.
If the heart becomes heavier than the feather that’s mean hi is a bad man and the fancy animal which called Am Am will eat the heart as a punishment, but if the opposite happened the feather becomes heaver than the heart that mean he is innocent and he will go to paradise.

On the right side of the balance we can see the God Thot (God of knowledge and writing) he is writing the story of the judgment and he gives the order to the God Horus (God of the protection) to allow the dead man to enter the paradise and live with the family of paradise.
